Presentation of Civic Values and Competences 2019 - 1

A day dedicated to the democratic climate of the school, a day of remembrance at MPS "Cyril and Methodius", where we presented civic values through numerous pupil initiatives, projects and humanitarian actions. 

In the presence of our guests from Spain, Portugal and Poland, parents, teachers, as well as representatives from the Municipality, BRO, MES, MCEC, NGOs and the business sector, we showed results of our work and had great fun at the same time. We have shown that learning does not only take place in the classroom and from a book, and that pupils' civic competences are built from a young age. It is indeed a great pleasure to see young people, full of self-confidence, responsibly and consciously approach the challenges posed by civil society. 

We thank everyone who has made us feel so proud and dignified.